Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Would You Please Mind those British Phrases in Your American Vocabulary!

I just read a recent blog post by Maraithe Thomas, a Deputy Production Editor for the Gaurdian US -- click here to read it!

It is, as the Brits say, Brilliant!  In fact -- as someone who spends a sizable amount of time in the UK -- I remember the first time a Brit called something I did "brilliant," and thought, "Wow!, somebody finally recognizes how smart I am!" Then I heard them say the same thing about a cup of coffee!  Oh well…

But, it does go to the point of Thomas's blog post.  For Americans sympathetic to the joys and idiosyncrasies of British language and culture, one cannot help wanting to move into that space where American and English blur and where one has fun playing off the Derrida-like differences/diffĂ©rances of language, both spoken and written.

The only problem is that, once you do, you are in a very small group, as either side of the pond finds your speech odd; or, worse, they see you as a bit of a poser!

"What," they'll say, "you think you are a Brit now?"  Or, worse, "Who the hell says that?"

Well, actually, I do!  And, I enjoy it!

C'mon folks, admit it, everyday life gets a bit boring -- or at least for me it does.  So why not have a bit of fun and start mixing up expressions and trying on new words?  Why not pretend one is having a cup of tea in in Whitby, rather than drinking machine coffee in one's windowless office space?  Or here's one: drop the article "the" in front of hospital, university, grocery store and other such words that Americans love to treat as proper nouns, and see what people say!  Or, say egregious American things to Brits, like "Git r dun!" when up against a deadline that everyone is desperately trying to complete!

It's funny, or at least it is funny to me.  And if they get ticked at you, just say, "Ah mind your own language!"


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